The mostly ups and the some downs of
Abigail Jenson's journey.
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." - Psalm 139:13-16
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Abby's tape fell off today. Yay!!! The nurses and doctors said it would fall off between 7 and 10 days. Today is day 8. We love it. We can finally kiss our little girl without anything in our way.
We want to thank everyone again for everything everyone has done. Prayer is the best thing everyone did for us and I will tell, God answered those prayers. Thanks you all so much. God is truly the one to thank for everything. There is no doubt He has been with us every step of this journey.
I know you are excited! I'm so happy for you all! It's going to be amazing for you to see how much her scar will change in the next few months. Her new lip is beautiful!
I have never seen such large smiles and inner joy coming from within from Heather and have both been troopers in team work as a family and I am so proud of both of you....Colton as always shows such genuine love..... and Abby...well.. she is my beautiful cherub with an even bigger smile...I am a grateful grandma....God is good!!!
I am so happy for you! She has always been a beauty but know you are so very pleased and greatful! How exciting to give her kisses with no nam or tape. Those beautiful eyes shine even brighter now...if that was possible! Give her a kiss for me.
We are a family of four. We don't know why God puts us through what He does, but all it has done is make us stronger. As Heather and I are challenged day to day, we always come through on the other side stronger and closer. Heather is the absolute best mother and wife this world has to offer, and our son, Colton, and our daugher, Abigail, are the best kids parents could ask for.
I know you are excited! I'm so happy for you all! It's going to be amazing for you to see how much her scar will change in the next few months. Her new lip is beautiful!
YEAH!!!! There is nothing better then kissable baby lips (slobber and all). Glad to hear she is doing well.
You guys definitely deserved a little "face time" with your girl! You've waited long enough!!! She's looking great - and so different!!!
I have never seen such large smiles and inner joy coming from within from Heather and have both been troopers in team work as a family and I am so proud of both of you....Colton as always shows such genuine love..... and Abby...well.. she is my beautiful cherub with an even bigger smile...I am a grateful grandma....God is good!!!
I am so happy for you! She has always been a beauty but know you are so very pleased and greatful! How exciting to give her kisses with no nam or tape. Those beautiful eyes shine even brighter now...if that was possible! Give her a kiss for me.
Karen Tait
Wow. Those pictures of her are AMAZING!!! God is so good!
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